The Boogeyman, (2023, USA)

Stephen King really understands how to tune into what scares the blue lights out of kids and young adults and how to exploit these to manipulate an adult audience. After all we were all kids once and Brit director Rob Savages's new immersive film interpretation of King's short story The Boogeyman in no exception. After... Continue Reading →

Followers (UK, 2021)

Jonty (Harry Jarvis) is an entitled posho twat and social media influencer so when he goes to university and moves into a haunted house share does he freak out? No of course he doesn't, but he does convince his house share mates to document the haunting on social media. in Followers which has recently been... Continue Reading →

They Live in the Grey (2022, USA)

A Child Protection officer is called to look into an abused child, but the case soon turns into something more sinister when she arrives at the kid's house in Shudder's They Live in the Grey which has just been released on DVD and digital in the UK. Claire (Michelle Krusiec) is struggling with both the... Continue Reading →

Lake Mungo (2008, Australia)

Normally the very notion of a found footage film will have me running for the hills. Fortunately Joel Anderson's Lake Mungo, which is out now on UK Blu-ray, is something a lot more substantial than 90 minutes of shaky cam and hiding in a wardrobe whimpering. Shot documentary style with face to face interviews cut... Continue Reading →

Broil (2020, USA)

After the disappointment of Smiley Face Killers, Edward Drake's Broil is much more to my taste (see what I did there) Let's not go to Granpa's party Justifiably pissed off with being constantly picked on for her disability teen Chance Sinclair (Avery Conrad) hits back at her tormentors and gets kicked out of her exclusive... Continue Reading →

Pulse (1988, USA)

David (Joey Lawrence) goes to California to move in with his dad (Cliff De Young) and his dad's new girlfriend Ellen (Roxanne Hart). Sure its going to take some getting used to with a new home and school but what Joey doesn't expect is that the local power supply has a malevolent intelligence that wants... Continue Reading →

Host (2020, UK)

Described as doing for Zoom calls what The Blair Witch Project did for found footage Brit chiller Host has just been released as a limited edition Blu-ray box set in the UK by Second Sight. Bored with the lockdown six friends get together for their weekly video call on Zoom. This week it's Haley's (Haley... Continue Reading →

Willy’s Wonderland (2021, USA)

'Hey Simon, you wanna see a movie where Nic Cage fights possessed animatronic amusement park critters?' 'You bet I do!' So Nic's driving his Chevy Camaro through that part of the USA us Brits call the flyover when his tyres blow out. 'Must have been those pesky kids who stole the sheriff's stingers' says the... Continue Reading →

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